Source code for redis_throttled_queue

from enum import IntEnum
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
from typing import Union

from packaging.version import Version
from redis.asyncio import StrictRedis as AsyncStrictRedis
from redis.client import StrictRedis

__version__ = '1.0.0'
__file_as_path__ = Path(__file__)

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Resolution(IntEnum): SECOND = 1 MINUTE = 60
LIBRARY = __file_as_path__.with_name('library.lua').read_text()
[docs] class ThrottledQueue: """ Queue system with key-based throttling implemented over Redis. Publishers push given a key. Consumers pop one item at a time for the first key that has not exceeded the throttling limit withing the resolution window. """ limit: int resolution: int last_activity: float _client: StrictRedis _library_missing: bool = True
[docs] def __init__( self, redis_client: StrictRedis, prefix: str, limit: int = 10, resolution=Resolution.SECOND, validate_version=True, register_library=True, ): """ :param redis_client: An instance of :class:`~StrictRedis`. :param prefix: Redis key prefix. :param limit: Throttling limit. The queue won't retrieve more items in the given resolution for a given `key`. :param resolution: Resolution to use. This decides how many time window keys you will have in Redis. """ self._client = redis_client if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError(f'Incorrect type for `prefix`. Must be str, not {type(prefix)}.') self._prefix = prefix self.limit = limit self.resolution = resolution self.last_activity = time() self._count_key = f'{self._prefix}:total' if register_library: self.register_library(redis_client) if validate_version: self.ensure_supported_redis(
[docs] @classmethod def ensure_supported_redis(cls, info: dict): """ Redis version validator (must be >=7). Called from ``__init__``, if enabled. """ version = info['redis_version'] if Version(version) < Version('7.0'): raise RuntimeError(f'Redis 7.0 is the minimum version supported. The server reported version {version!r}.')
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get queue length. :return: """ return int(self._client.get(self._count_key) or 0)
[docs] def push(self, name: str, data: Union[str, bytes], *, priority: int = 0): """ Push an item. """ if ':' in name: raise ValueError('Incorrect value for `key`. Cannot contain ":".') self.last_activity = time() return self._client.fcall('RTQ_PUSH', 0, self._prefix, name, priority, data)
[docs] def pop(self, window: Union[str, bytes, int] = Ellipsis) -> Union[str, bytes, None]: """ Pop an item, if any available. """ if window is Ellipsis: window = int(time()) // self.resolution % 60 value = self._client.fcall('RTQ_POP', 0, self._prefix, window, self.limit, int(self.resolution)) if value is not None: self.last_activity = time() return value
@property def idle_seconds(self) -> float: """ Idle time counter. """ return time() - self.last_activity
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Cleanup all associated redis data to this queue. """ return self._client.fcall('RTQ_CLEANUP', 0, self._prefix)
[docs] @classmethod def register_library(cls, redis_client: StrictRedis): """ Registers the redis functions. Called from ``__init__``, if enabled. """ if cls._library_missing: if not redis_client.function_list('RTQ'): redis_client.function_load(LIBRARY, replace=True) cls._library_missing = False
[docs] class AsyncThrottledQueue(ThrottledQueue): """ Asyncio variant of the queue. """ _client: AsyncStrictRedis
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overrides certain options because they cannot work anymore: ``validate_version=False``, ``register_library=False``. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, validate_version=False, register_library=False)
[docs] @classmethod async def register_library(cls, redis_client: StrictRedis): """ You have to call this manually. """ if cls._library_missing: if not await redis_client.function_list('RTQ'): await redis_client.function_load(LIBRARY, replace=True) cls._library_missing = False
[docs] async def validate_version(self): """ You have to call this manually. """ self.ensure_supported_redis(await
[docs] async def size(self): """ Asyncio variant for ``__len__``. """ return int(await self._client.get(self._count_key) or 0)
[docs] async def push(self, name: str, data: Union[str, bytes], *, priority: int = 0): """ Asyncio variant for ``push``. """ if ':' in name: raise ValueError('Incorrect value for `key`. Cannot contain ":".') self.last_activity = time() return await self._client.fcall('RTQ_PUSH', 0, self._prefix, name, priority, data)
[docs] async def pop(self, window: Union[str, bytes, int] = Ellipsis) -> Union[str, bytes, None]: """ Asyncio variant for ``pop``. """ if window is Ellipsis: window = int(time()) // self.resolution % 60 value = await self._client.fcall('RTQ_POP', 0, self._prefix, window, self.limit, int(self.resolution)) if value is not None: self.last_activity = time() return value
[docs] async def cleanup(self): """ Asyncio variant for ``cleanup``. """ return await self._client.fcall('RTQ_CLEANUP', 0, self._prefix)